In brief… you can use!
Anne Marsh has been named the new Executive Director for the Pine Tree Society for Handicapped Children and Adults. She has served as Deputy Director for the past seven years, and replaces Greg Ouellette who retired after being with the organization since 1967. Anne is a strong advocate for those with disabilities and has worked closely with our group. Since we became independent in 2000, the Pine Tree Society has provided us with a yearly operational grant. All of us at PPSGM wish Anne the best of luck in her new position.
In Alpha One’s Fall 2004 newspaper “One in Five”, there is an article on recreation which shows a variety of assistive fishing devices. The University of Southern Maine’s Recreational Assistive Technology Exchange (RATE) program has a website listing these and many other devices and products for a number of recreational activities, such as bowling, fishing, gardening, golfing. While most of these devices are used for instructional purposes at USM, an individual can make an appointment to view or try a device. For more information on the article, you may visit the website, and for more information about RATE, visit, or contact Dr. Linda Meyer at 207- |
profit group who offers services,
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free, to those with physical disabilities. At least one of our members has skied with this group, even though she uses a wheelchair for most activities. Her response--wonderful, great fun!
Do you have questions about the new Medicare prescription drug reimbursement programs? The American Association of Retired Persons has two great booklets, “Medicare Changes that could affect you” and “Medicare Drug Discount Card-what you need to know”. Jud Dolphin of AARP in Maine stressed that there are over 40 different cards available now that cover different prescription drugs and more information is still becoming available. There is also a State program, Maine RX Plus with certain income limitations. For more information on the State program, contact 1-866-796-2463. To receive either AARP booklet or for help with the Medicare prescription drug coverage, you may contact AARP at 1-888-687-2277.
Dietician Jackie Robillard discussed various ways for improving our overall health through better nutritional methods. They included 1) eat smaller, more frequent meals, 2) eat regularly, 3) control portions for maximum nutrition without unnecessary calories, 4) balance the number of carbohydrates throughout the day, 5) maintain reasonable body weight, 6) eat some protein at each meal, 7) exercise within individual limits. Despite some of the current diet trends, she stressed the importance of carbohydrates in our diet. These should include the whole grains, beans, and vegetables, rather than white flour, white rice, sugars and sodas. Some fat is also necessary in our diet, and she recommends concentrating on the better fats-polyunsaturated and monounsaturated (e.g., corn oil, olive oil, canola oil, and peanut oil). To help limit saturated fats, but still obtain sufficient protein, |
try lean meats and poultry, fish, low-fat cheeses, tofu, and nuts. Eating foods high in fiber can aid the digestive system and helps curb hunger. Swallowing difficulties may lower some of the food choices available. She suggests using a food processor or blender, chewing slowly and taking small bites, don’t eat when fatigued, and use a mixture of soft and coarse food. If someone is experiencing difficulty with liquids, even water, add texture, for example, by creating fruit shakes. Using applesauce, yogurt or mashed bananas may help when swallowing pills. If you have more weakness on one side, by turning your head in the opposite direction, you may find swallowing a little easier. |
Dedicated Physical Therapist Honored
At our Annual Conference in September, Lois “Burnsie” Stevens was recognized for all her years of dedication with our Post Polio Support Group of Maine and her prior years as a physical therapist at a rehabilitation center in Maine. Many of our members were sent to the Hyde Memorial Home in Bath, Maine for rehabilitation following the onset of polio.
We remember “Burnsie” as the therapist with compassion, a ready-smile and commitment to help us recover as much as possible. When the PPSGM was started in 1986, she was the one who began a campaign to contact those who had been at the Hyde Home, and she hasn’t stopped her efforts! Through her efforts and other dedicated members, our membership grew to over 800. We thank you, Burnsie, for all that you have done for us! |
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